Saturday, October 31, 2009

Survey Site Tutorial

Sure you can make money online with GPT sites, people are doing it every day, it;s really very easy, It will take a little time, but if you work at it and follow a few simple rules in this you should be fine.

AOL and Netscape user, most likely your IP address looks like you have multiple addresses so it doesn't work well in completely and may get you banned.

Never log onto your account from any other computer but your own, it will look like you have two account and you will get banned.

Some Tips For Completing Offers & Surveys

After signing up, I would suggest reading the forums. If you have problems with your offers not being confirmed, be sure to follow this check list. By doing so you will notice that your offers get confirmed quicker and a lot more frequently.

1) Clear your cookies before doing an offer and after you complete. If you want to clear your cookie automatically, you can download a free copy of CCleaner. Also temporarily disable any ad blocking programs that may be blocking cookies.

Optional: It may help to log out of your account and then log back in your account after you have cleared your cookie.

2) Set up 4 or 5 separate email accounts, to use for offers (Some offers are from the same companies, and they will stop confirming if the same person does too many of them. So just use a different email address, seeing as how that is how they keep up with who is who.

3) When is a offer Complete? Most offers will have a confirmation screen saying “Thank you” somewhere on the page, Once you have reached that page, you’re done with the offer and you can submit it. If you haven’t reached that page, keep going, it’s not going to continue forever. It is also helpful to completely close your browers in between offers.

4) Check for the email confirmations of some offers. You won’t receive credit for some offers if you don’t click the confirmation link in the email they send you. Sometimes these emails get sent to the spam folder, always check your spam folder, click the link, and wait a few minutes for your offer to confirm.

Warning: Do Not use Robot form when doing offers, this will slow down approval time.

Free survey sites really work and if you take it serious, you will make money. If you have any doubt or questions about filling out an offer, the sites have FAQs and Forums where you can get lots of answers and fast help.

VERY IMPORTANT: Be sure to CLEAR your cookies (See above).

Now that you have a better understanding of suvey sites your ready to start making some easy money.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Top 3 Survey Sites


All you need Is the right Information and some will power, and you really can make money online. There no excuses really start making extra money online.

Start getting checks, ipods, Gaming consoles, anything you want, sent to your mailbox completely free. But how do you find reputable, legitimate survey sites that's will be worth your time? We have found the best completely free survey sites the

Here's the top 3 survey sites on the Internet. There are hundreds of free survey sites out there, most of them are not worth much or don't work well.
These are the ones I love an there are always free, and easy, tested and proven very doable, don't be lazy these sites really work. put a little time into it and see how easy making money really is.

Cashle/points2shop are two sister sites that work together to help you earn FREE money. Joining Points2Shop does not require a credit card.

Earn points and cash from free offers, games, lottery and there is a IM shout box for support with very helpful members.

Payment Methods are cash withdrawn through check, PayPal, E-Gold, Alterpay, and Amazon Gift cards. As a rule I always look for proof of payment before I start trying to make money with any site so here's just a few thing I got from Points2Shop, can also see checks in the forums to help easy your mine.

There is a very active and friendly forum and the members can show you lots of proofs of payment if you need some a little inspiration.

Yes, by all means get INSPIRATED this is the best GPT site ever you got the power, use your power for good not evil, If your a newbie There are a few rules simple you need to know before you start, newbie's click here that it will take 5 minuetes to real

- Open to Users In US, UK and Canada

- Age requirement: At least 18 years old, or At least 13 with parents approval

- Receive up to $1 for ever American Member you refer! 15%, 3%, 2%.- Fast and friendly support by site, IM and Shout box


Squishy Cash is a very popular survey site and is one of my favorites.

Squishy Cash Offers lots of promotions and contests, daily bonuses. The also have chips that you can cash in for different things like money, gift cards and electronics.

Do the research Squishy Cash is one of the very best and a must have in your arsenal. Payment are made via Checks and PayPal.
The earning potential is unlimited, Sign up today to start completing offers, referring your friends. Everything is done without having to release any credit card, bank account, or social security information. It's so easy to accomplish and the payoff is great.

Members be 18 years or older OR 13 years or older with parental permission. A user under 18 certifies that a parent has given permission by checking the box that corresponds to "I Agree".

- Open to International Members

- 1st Level Referrals - 20%

- 2nd Level Referrals - 5%

- 3rd Level Referrals - 2%

Treasure Trooper Has Blown My Mine!
Who's your GPT?

Treasure Troopers has the greatest offering I ever seen, it's called CASH CLICKS! You get 5 cents for each link that you click, and there is $2.00 worth every 24 hours that's $2 a day in less than 5 minutes. That's $60.00 a month, which makes TreasureTrooper very hard to beat.

- Open to International members, however, many offers will not be available for your country. Canada and UK will also have a decent amount of offers available.

- Minimum Age Requirement: You must be at least 13 years of age

- Make 20% of what your referrals earn

- Make 5% of what your referral's, referrals earn

- Payment are sent via Check or PayPal in US dollars

- $20 Minimum to Withdraw

My Conclusion

Even if you don't have time for anything else, Treasure Trooper is for you. Some things you must pass up in order to get anything done, there is so much to do on the Internet that we get side tracked 50% of the time, for me it might be more because I'm super lazy an a Master Procrastinator but I ain't no fool, I know free money when I see it.

Who can say no to a guaranteed $60 a month just for clicking ads, that's a big deal, nobody else is doing that. Don't Procrastinate on this great opportunity.

It’s just that simple, don’t make it complicated, don't spend all your time endlessly searching an joining site after site or being side tracked by all the entertainment the Internet offers.

The Internet is the most powerful tool in the World, THE WORLD. So YES, you can make money online free and easy.

At some point you have to find something you feel good about, an run with It. If your willing to put in a little time you can easily start several streams of income today.

If you have any questions feel free to send me an e-mail at good luck.

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